God reminded me that it's not my job to logic and argue people into heaven, even when those people are my children.
The gospel is best understood in terms of those two most important words: for you.
Epiphany is one of the most important festivals of the church year, although often sadly overlooked.

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God’s grace and freedom announces the truth to us about ourselves. We need a real Savior.
Amazing grace is a sweet sound not just because it saved a wretch like me, but because it saved a whole wretched world like me.
Christ’s flesh and blood is light that the darkness cannot comprehend.
The victory of Christ is hidden in the crosses we bear as Christians following Him to our own personal Golgothas.
God is for us in His foolish, scarred Word and Wisdom. Nothing is against us, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.
The Law must attack because nothing outside of Christ can enter Heaven—nothing!
We are no longer controlled by sin as He moves our lips to speak love and forgiveness. We are passive as He acts out His words and His salvation for us.
How does that sit with you? It frightens me. Naked, exposed in the eyes of the One to Whom I must give account?
As sinful humans, we are adept at taking what God gives as gift and making it into a work. Nowhere is this made more evident than in the universally misunderstood doctrine of sanctification.
“Church is set free in Christ, in short, to revel in her irrelevance to the ways of the world’s power and wisdom.
Jesus becomes who you are and you become who he is. His kindness and patience and courage are given to you, and your lust and meanness and impatience are reckoned to him.
Jesus’ sacrificial death is the perfect sacrifice because He is sinless, the spotless Lamb, and it is for you.