Once Upon A Time in Genesis. In this episode, we talk with author Cindy Koch about her new book, Once Upon A Curse. We discuss Semitic poetry, the Psalms, Genesis, curses and promises, child-bearing, biblical versus earthly wisdom, freedom and bondage, and the ever-needed reality that is explained and defined by the story of Jesus Christ, the Lamb crucified from the foundation of the world.
Dr. Montgomery spent his life—even into his final year at the age of 92—contending for the whole Christian faith once and for all delivered to the saints.
By death the Christian is brought to the actual possession of all his happiness, which is nothing other than Christ and all the benefits Christ has procured for His saints.
One now finds Edwards frequently commenting on the beautiful things about nature, life, and Christ, and he also manifests a creative perception of beauty when considering the most morose of topics: Death.