No matter how many times we hear this good news, it never stops being good news.
Our faith is precisely where Paul puts it, namely, in the blood of Christ.
Just as trick-or-treaters arrive at doorsteps as beggars, we come to the Lord’s table with nothing to offer but our sin and need for forgiveness.

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We trust God's Word because Jesus never fails us. He is our daily comfort when struggles and afflictions find us.
The power of God's Word is nothing like human power. People exercise power through force and violence. God's Word manifests His power through humility, service, and self-sacrifice.
Apart from God's word, we will judge the right to be wrong and evil people as good.
It is one thing to pray against death’s slow and aggressive assault on God’s creation. It is another to trust in the one who has conquered the grave.
God created humanity in his image and then inhabited that image. Not just for 33 years, but for eternity thereafter.
We have seen a vision better than an angel. We have seen God on the cross. A God who is willing to suffer for us.
Ever since the tragedy of the Garden, God’s plan of redemption has been in motion. His movement upon this world has never ceased, and it never will.
When we are hurt, we cry out to God. But sometimes when the hurt gets really intense, our lament turns to complaint. Not only is this normal, but almost every lament in scripture contains a complaint.
Comfort is not a platitude; it is a promise. A promise from our God who left his place of glory and died a sinner’s death for poor sinners.
God's Word reveals the truth about us. We don't much care for God's Word. We prefer the yes and no of our personal taste buds.
The kingdom I seek is the lower-case realm ruled over by the almighty upper-case Me.
When it comes to God’s word, our help only obscures his power and grace.