As you step into the days ahead, remember this: no matter how lost you may feel, you have a God who seeks you out, celebrates your return, and rejoices over you.
Be relieved, whatever has had you anxious. He is with us and about his Father’s business, which is your salvation.
We now are the magi: we worship Christ because of who he is, but also because of what he has done for us and what he continues to do in his gift-giving to us.

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Grace is God’s caring disposition toward His human creatures. And it is shown fully and purely in the work of Jesus for us.
The full effect of the Law had been visited upon God's people, but now the LORD will remember His people and return them to the land of promise and to Holy Jerusalem.
Hebrews proclaims you absolutely need a priest and you have one. This priest is Jesus!
Today, Jesus' road to Jerusalem turns into your congregation. He calls you and your hearers to follow Him all the way home.
The church’s reformation is not about fragmentation, but a way forward to unity around that which is central to the church, around Christ and him crucified.
This is a Q&A for 1517 Publishing’s newest release, “How Melanchthon Helped Luther Discover the Gospel,” by Lowell C. Green. This release also marks the launch of our new Melanchthon Library.
A little or a lot, great is the joy of the child of God for the meaning of life is not defined by stuff, but rather by the cross.
Honor would be shown to the least. Power would be shown by its opposite. The way of glory was marked with humility.
No work need be done to enter this Sabbath rest, for Christ has done all that is necessary.
The way to salvation does not consist in works invented by men, but that which leads to God is believing and trusting in Him.
Martha’s pain is not met by a to-do list. Jesus’ reply is not that she should try harder or change her behavior
Bo Giertz attained infamy in Sweden for a humble adherence to unpopular, orthodox practice and doctrine.