The gospel gives us faith, hope, and love, all of which proceed from Christ’s death and resurrection.
As you step into the days ahead, remember this: no matter how lost you may feel, you have a God who seeks you out, celebrates your return, and rejoices over you.
Be relieved, whatever has had you anxious. He is with us and about his Father’s business, which is your salvation.

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Like Isaiah and John, we look forward to that great and glorious day, trusting the resurrected One will return as He promised.
God is in control, and we are actively engaged in God’s work of saving the world.
In Genesis 1-2, the Lord reveals—or, at a bare minimum, starts dropping some big hints—that he will be quite comfortable becoming a human being himself someday.
Throughout the Scriptures, God puts "signs" or "seals" upon people. Often these are placed upon the forehead. How do all these connected stories take us from the mark of Cain, to the Exodus, to the cross, and finally to baptism?
That's how true faith talks. It doesn't talk about itself. It says "Thank you!" to the one who gives healing and salvation.
In Christ, all things are new. This is also true in so far as His three-fold office of prophet, priest, and king.
Thanksgiving utters a confession of dependence, an acknowledgement of the gift of something not earned or deserved.
Preaching on this text isnan invitation to express love and longing in your relationship with your hearers.
The oddness of this moment, at the beginning of Advent, is God’s way of saying, “The reason I’m here...”
The youths that mock Elisha are representative of Israel’s collective contempt and disregard for all things relating to their One True God.
Forgiveness of sins does not come in bits and pieces. There are no levels of forgiveness.
“God in general” is of little use to all of us suffering the ravages of sin, the fear of death, and satanic prosecution.