Jesus Christ is relentless. He does not give up. And with him comes the certainty of redemption.
Below is the Thinking Fellows Essential Reading List with contributions from each of the Thinking Fellows hosts.
This is an excerpt from Chapter 7 of Junk Drawer Jesus written by Matt Popovits (1517 Publishing, 2024). Available today!

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How long, O Lord, will the voice of children’s blood cry out to You from the ground?
The rich young ruler’s inquiry to the Lord Jesus in Mark 10:17–22 (along with Matt. 19:16–22; Luke 10:25–28) remains increasingly prescient for us today.
Blood is the thing. In the Scriptures, sin must be covered or "atoned for" as it's called, by blood.
In a world where science tells us that everything is deteriorating and we’re all one day closer to our physical death it’s nice to think that there might be something we are getting better at.
I got your life application right here! First off, Happy New Year! It's 2019 and there's a sense of optimism floating about in the air.
If I were granted three wishes, one of them would not be to know what the future holds.
The other day on Twitter, I saw someone insult their theological opponent with the term "free-gracer."
I grew up playing baseball – mostly “street” baseball, with a bunch of friends. It was one of my passions in life.
Have you ever invited someone over to your house? Most of us have either invited someone into our homes for supper.
Psalm 51 teaches two things: mercy and sin. But aren’t we already experts in sin? Why do we need God to teach it to us?
A friend recently told me they had never seen the movie A Christmas Story. “What?!” I exclaimed. “Well, you need to fix that this year.”
Recently, I've had to confront the idea of death. Not that death is merely an idea, but for me it kind of was. I've been fortunate enough to never have someone I knew unexpectedly pass away until a couple of weeks ago.