You have real freedom through the gospel of Jesus Christ, a freedom that doesn’t rest on founders, votes, or power plays.
One Christ rules over all of it. He is the constant, the root that nourishes every estate and every vocation.
No matter how many times we hear this good news, it never stops being good news.

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If even your family has disowned and discarded you; yes, if every single person in this world regards you as a hopeless, embarrassing failure at life, the Father of all mercies does not.
To whatever extent we follow God’s perfect commands we will benefit from following them.
If there’s going to be a celebration, why not celebrate fidelity, obedience, hard work?
I was excited and eager to start my journey. I was driving from NYC to Florida to attend the Christ Hold Fast Conference in Orlando, meet some dear friends, and make some new ones.
For many, there are days when they’re as excited about going to work on Sunday morning as you are about going to work on Monday morning.
Cindy’s tragedy was that she was blind to the Christ from whom all her good gifts came.
I looked up at the cross and saw what God had become to bring me home. He had become what I was.
Our faith is not a mountain but a grain of sand, not pure gold but gilded plaster. And all it takes is a few nicks and scratches to reveal its shallowness.
Surely everyone reading at one time or another in their lives has heard the popular phrase I’m writing about today.
The conference is upon us. Christ Hold Fast is holding its first ever conference and from the moment I heard about it, I was excited.
If April 1 is April Fools’ Day, then March 25 is Divine Fool’s Day. Falling nine months before Christmas, it’s the day when God set in motion what appeared to be a foolish plan.
She’s clad only in a white, wet, silk blouse, as if just caught in a downpour. Her back is slightly turned toward the camera, the curves of hip and breast beckoning the onlooker.