Advent (Revisited)
On episode EIGHTY of Let the Bird Fly! Mike and Wade join forces with Pastors Brian Doebler and John Bortulin to discuss the season of Advent.
On episode EIGHTY of Let the Bird Fly! Mike and Wade join forces with Pastors Brian Doebler and John Bortulin to discuss the season of Advent. You may be thinking “Hey, didn’t you already do an episode on the season of Advent,” and you’d be right. But we like the season so much, we’re doing it again…so deal with it. This time around, the guys talk about the history of the season, what its focus is, preaching through it, and all sorts of other stuff associated with Christ coming to us. The Berg girls make an appearance in the Free-for-All to discuss what they’re asking for Christmas and some of their favorite presents from years past. Wade adds a lesson learned from his own childhood as well (we’re glad he got his presents back, but can understand his parents getting tired of his antics—we know the feeling!). Thanks again to Brian and John for joining us. We hope you have a blessed Advent!
Let the Bird Fly! is supported by the 1517 Podcast Network, which is part of The 2018 calendar year has been one of tremendous growth for 1517 and plans for 2019 and beyond are well underway. In order to continue to grow and spread the message of that the death of Christ saves, 1517 has set a goal of raising $250,000 by December 31st. If you are able to help support all the great content being produced by 1517, please consider doing so with a regular monthly donation, or a one time donate. You can find more about 1517 on their website and you can DONATE RIGHT HERE. Thank you for your support!
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Attributions for Music used in this Episode:
- “The Last One” by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
- “Gib laut” by Dirk Becker is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
- “Whistling Down the Road” by Silent Partner
- “Not Drunk” by The Joy Drops is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International License.