Shame and Restoration

What if you could have a conversation with someone who was theologically sound, a great communicator, and an experienced licensed therapist to talk about the emotions we struggle with, and what to do with them?

What if you could have a conversation with someone who was theologically sound, a great communicator, and an experienced licensed therapist to talk about the emotions we struggle with, and what to do with them? 

Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin were fortunate enough to get back on Heidi Goehmann to talk about her new book: "Emotions and the Gospel." She gives a ton of gospel for our emotions, and help us to see where there is grace for us, as well as grace for the emotions of others.

They walk through feeling shame for feeling "too emotional," how we are made in the image of God, and getting a strong theological foundation to view emotion.

She talks about restoration vs regulation, and misconceptions or "partial truths" we have about emotions.

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