Song of Songs Chapter 7:11-8:7 Izzi Ray and Chris Lizotte sing "Jealous Love"

As we move towards the end of the Song of Songs, once again we are confronted with the depths and riches of God's perfect love for us.

As we move towards the end of the Song of Songs, once again we are confronted with the depths and riches of God's perfect love for us. Uncomforatable and overwhelming, yet it is true; that God made us, delights in us and wants us to be forever with Him. Chad beautifully unpacks this reading and Izzi Ray sings a stirring rendition of "Jealous Love". 

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Lyrics to Jealous Love

Put me like a seal over your heart
For you know this love is true

Put me like a seal on your arm

I’ve got jealous love for you

Now I will arise and go about the city
Through the streets and in the square
I will search for the one my soul loves
So I looked for him but did not find him there

I was born for you
I lived for you
I died for you, and rose again for you
I will return for you, my love 

Put me like a seal over your heart

You are like a lily among the thorns
Put me like a seal on your arm
How beautiful you are in all your charms

O my dove in the clefts of the rock
In the secret place of the steep pathway

Show me your face let me hear your voice
For your voice is sweet and your face lovely

I came down for you
I died for you
I rose again, and intercede for you
I will return for you, my love

Put me like a seal over your heart

Who is this that grows like the dawn

Put me like a seal on your arm

Beauty of the moon pure as the sun

Put me like a seal over your heart
For you know this love is true
Put me like a seal on your arm

I’ve got jealous love for you