The Festival of Pentecost
On episode TEN of Let the Bird Fly! we welcome Rev. Tyler Peil back (via Skype) for the second part of our two-part series.
On episode TEN of Let the Bird Fly! we welcome Rev. Tyler Peil back (via Skype) for the second part of our two-part series. In episode nine Pastor Peil discussed the Ascension of our Lord, and in the episode he is back to discuss the festival of Pentecost. Pastor Peil demonstrates that he’d never make it as an official Trivial Pursuit question reader, but does regale us with fun facts about Nebraska (even if he does manage to lose us our Runza endorsement…and we were so close to our first endorsement). Ben introduces those in the studio to the Nebraska delicacy of Dorothy Lynch Dressing. Evidently Carhenge is something…in Nebraska. And Wade takes Detroit jokes in stride (although he does die a little inside). Before letting Pastor Peil go, however, we decide to spend at least some time on the main topic: the festival of Pentecost. Pastor Peil points out the centrality of the Means of Grace and God’s plan to sustain his Church in the account of Pentecost. As we enter the non-festival portion of the church-year, Pastor Peil reminds us that even during this “ordinary” time the life of the Church remains one of doxology.
We are extremely thankful to Pastor Peil for joining us on this episode. If you’d like to learn more about Pastor Peil or the congregation he has been called to serve in Nebraska, you can do so at
St. John’s Lutheran Church, in Stanton, NE:
The Christian Year by Edward Horn
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Attributions for Music Used in this Episode:
“The Last One” by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
“Horses to Water” by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
“Gib laut” by Dirk Becker is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
“Whistling Down the Road” by Silent Partner
“Not Drunk” by The Joy Drops is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International License.