The Guys Get Maths (and Nick possibly jeopardizes his future)
On episode SEVEN of Let the Bird Fly! we welcome Dr. Kristi Meyer to discuss math…or maths…well, numbers, or actually Dr. Meyer says, math without numbers.
On episode SEVEN of Let the Bird Fly! we welcome Dr. Kristi Meyer to discuss math…or maths…well, numbers, or actually Dr. Meyer says, math without numbers. (I’m confused already!) But we definitely talk about cryptology (Dr. Meyer’s speciality), which means we talk Nazis…again. (Wade is less supportive this time around, and Peter avoids talking Heidegger, so I think we’re growing.) Nick again joins us in the studio, but may regret it after he possibly jeopardizes his future employment. Dr. Meyer is unfazed by Wade’s questions, even turning the tables on him. We also discover that the quadratic formula has a song…seriously, you can find it here. Who knew maths could be such fun! Despite our best efforts to avoid it, however, we eventually find ourselves talking math(s), and we discovered that Dr. Meyer knows how to make the topic quite interesting (even for Wade!).
Wade mentions during the episode that Peter is playing with their new toy (a mixing board), which explains the strange (and unintended) audio effects during the episode. Feel free to voice your disgust for the production value by emailing, and perhaps we can avoid these issues going forward.
We are extremely grateful to Dr. Meyer for joining us on this episode. Dr. Meyer’s article that is mentioned in the episode will not be out until late Summer or Fall of 2017; but when comes out, you can find it at Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology.
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Attributions for music used in this episode:
“The Last One” by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
“Horses to Water” by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
“Gib laut” by Dirk Becker is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
“Whistling Down the Road” by Silent Partner
“Not Drunk” by The Joy Drops is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International License.