1. What's your vote for the most misapplied and misquoted Bible verse of all time? Craig and Troy vote for "Don't you judge me!" Today we talk about the reality of being under judgment, and seeking repentance.
  2. Why do you worry, when God has your back? Craig and Troy consider the lillies, the 1st Commandment, and the comfort found in seeking first His kingdom.
  3. God is not the source of temptation, but He may use our temptations to teach us of HIs grace. Craig and Troy conclude their study on the Lord's Prayer.
  4. "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive the sins of others"? How does that work? Craig and Troy dive headfirst into the Fifth Petition of the Lord's Prayer.
  5. If God does all this stuff anyway, why should we even pray for it? Craig and Troy wade back into the Lord's Prayer and our receiving of what He does.
  6. Who should pray and how can we do it? Craig and Troy take a closer look at the prayer Jesus Himself gave us to pray.
  7. You gotta serve/work for/obey/be of use to somebody . . . will it be for selfish gathering of treasures that fade and decay, or will it be service that comes from a sincere faith and a pure heart?
  8. Let's be honest: your Heavenly mansion is not going to be that big, and it gets smaller with every room addition that you plan. Craig and Troy work through Jesus' warnings to not be a hypocrite.
  9. We wanted to spend just a few minutes answering For You Crew questions, but as usual got carried away. Listen as Craig and Troy spitball on the question of Bible translations and specifically on the King James Version.
  10. Jesus ruthlessly hammers us with a Law that we cannot escape so that He might give us a Gospel that will never abandon us.
  11. You ARE salt and light. By our new nature in Christ, we do salty and light things. But how is God glorified in the things that we do? https://bookofconcord.org/sources-and-context/heidelberg-disputation/
  12. Mercy, peace, and pureness of heart are not something we find in ourselves, but we find them in Christ, and in Christ we are found to be all those things.