1. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's. But hold on . . . what about "Give to my neighbor what is my neighbor's"?
  2. So, there's a question we should ask: What can we rightly expect from our government?
  3. Okay well . . . not really. But what do you owe your pastor? Craig and Troy begin a new series on the Table of Duties.
  4. Paul closes his letter to Timothy with a stern charge. But how will Timothy be able to fulfill his duties? (1 Timothy 6:11-20)
  5. As Paul begins to wind down his letter to Timothy, he discusses what should give us true contentment in 1 Timothy 6:1-10.
  6. We take a look at 1 Timothy 5 on why the pastoral office is exceedingly important, and should be treated so by pastor and congregation alike.
  7. We take a look at 1 Timothy 5 and how we should respect all in the church, but especially those who are older than us and those who are destitute.
  8. Paul instructs Timothy on how to save both himself and his hearers. Craig and Troy feel momentary conviction over being irreverent and silly.
  9. Run away from churches that don't proclaim Christ and Him crucified! (Oh, and Craig and Troy explain why you should.)
  10. Only briefly distracted by another Christmas rant, Craig and Troy return to the book of Timothy to examine the qualifications of a deacon of the church
  11. In 1 Timothy 2, Paul sets out to describe how the church service is conducted and structured. What is governing principle for both?
  12. Craig and Troy love Psalm 51 because of the truth it speaks: we are sinful, and God is gracious. When God cleanses, we are indeed made clean.