1. And Your Bird Can Sing! Gillespie and Riley conclude their discussion of hymnody with Chad Bird’s hymn, The Infant Priest Was Holy Born. Again, they focus on pastoral care, comfort for Christians, and what happens when the church ignores the reality of sin, death, and Satan.
  2. Do You Have a Great Hymn This Week? Go Fish! This week, Gillespie and Riley discuss Thomas Chisholm’s poem turned hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness. More discussion of hymnody, church music, and how what we sing can help or hinder pastoral care.
  3. Jesus joins us in our weirdness. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley continue their discussion of how to judge a hymn with Joseph Scriverner’s classic hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."
  4. Pump the hate brakes, Riley! This week, Gillespie and Riley begin a four-episode discussion on how to judge a hymn. In the first installment, they look at Amazing Grace and ask: "Is this a great, good, or bad hymn?" What makes a Christian hymn great? What should a church do with bad hymns?
  5. Daddy needs to discuss some law and grace.... Chicka-chickahhhhh! This week, Gillespie and Riley go live, reading, discussing, and responding to your questions and comments about Bunyan's writing on law and grace.
  6. How does it... umm... how does it work? In this episode, Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss the Schwabach Articles. Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, Church, and all things churchy.
  7. You’re using theological coconuts! In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss The Schwabach Articles. Sin, faith, lots of Holy Spirit, and why the Schwabach Articles are the roots of Lutheran, Reformed, and Protestant confessions of faith.
  8. Papa, can you hear me? In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss the Marburg Theses. The Reformers, Luther and Zwingli (and their colleagues), sat down to try to find common theological ground. What resulted has influenced the Church to this day.
  9. Dear Rome... Yeah, It’s Probably For The Best That We Never See Each Other Again. This week, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Ulrich Zwingli’s 67 Theses defending the theological reforms in Zurich. Zwingli is provocative, sometimes hyperbolic, but driven by a zeal for the reformation doctrine of Christ alone for the salvation of sinners apart from their works.
  10. You have us the Good News now give us the goods! This week, Gillespie and Riley give Oswald Chambers a second go-round, reading and discussing The Collision of God and Sin.
  11. This Isn’t a Good Place for a Yogurt Shop. Riley and Gillespie tackle a daily devotion from one of the OG of the Holiness Movement, Oswald Chambers.
  12. Riley and Gillespie dig into the Doctor Angelicus and his catechism on Baptism.