1. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss C.S. Lewis’ thoughts on God being born a man.
  2. The Brutal, Humiliating, Joyous Christmas Gospel! Gillespie and Riley return this week with another episode dedicated to Martin Luther's Christmas sermon. This time, they dig into the underlying brutality of the Christmas Gospel, Mary's humiliation, and Joseph's dilemma.
  3. Christmas: the Perfect Time of Year for a Theologian of the Cross! In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read from a Christmas sermon by their favorite heretic, Martin Luther. They discuss Mary's example of how God makes theologians of the cross through suffering, oppression, weakness, and hopelessness.
  4. Planking with Brennan Manning... Gillespie and Riley follow up their reading of Brennan Manning's Advent Meditation, "Shipwrecked at The Stable" by discussing why Roman Catholic theology, as Manning presents it, is so appealing to Protestants.
  5. Planking with Brennan Manning... This week, Gillespie and Riley dive into Brennan Manning's Advent Meditation, "Shipwrecked at The Stable," and they go deep into Manning's expression of Roman Catholic theology.
  6. This week, Gillespie and Riley tackle your questions and comments. We discuss election, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Bible translations, Sunday School, and much, much more.
  7. Please, Love Me Like You Do... This week, Gillespie and Riley wrap up their reading of Gerhard Forde's "On Being a Theologian of The Cross." What are the ramifications for Christians when God creates (He does not find) that which is pleasing to Him?
  8. Don't Like That We're Righteous Apart From Works? We're Not Done Yet. Continuing their conversation from episode #31, Gillespie and Riley follow Gerhard Forde, and with him examine Luther's Heidelberg Disputation. This week, Aristotle, righteousness, and whose work is worth calling "good."
  9. Don't Like That We're Righteous Apart From Works? Good. Gillespie and Riley return this week, in conversation with Gerhard Forde about death, doing your best, and getting the "good" of works put in its proper place.
  10. If there's one thing a theologian of glory doesn't understand, it's the cross! Gillespie and Riley continue their conversation about thesis nineteen of Luther's Heidelberg Disputation (with commentary by Gerhard Forde), and what distinguishes a theologian of the cross from a theology of glory.
  11. The Thinking Fellows are joined by Donavon Riley to talk about how Jesus is present and works through all the Scriptures. Inspired by the episode Scott and Donavon Talk About Everything, the Fellows cover OT prophecy and theophanies.
  12. If there's one thing a theologian of glory doesn't understand, it's the cross! This week, Gillespie and Riley read Luther's nineteenth thesis from his Heidelberg Disputation, and (with Gerhard Forde's help) converse about whether a theologian of glory is really a theologian.