Incarnation (182)
  1. Craig and Troy plumb the depths of the importance of Christmas by simply asking, "But what if it didn't happen that way?"
  2. The grain of God’s goodness and grace is made known by many trees throughout the Bible.
  3. Jesus rests in a manger in the days to come, but don’t be fooled.
  4. David and Adam discuss the problems and ramifications of the infinite Son of God becoming finite human flesh at Jesus' nativity.
  5. While Christmas may or may not have pagan roots, it will certainly have a pagan future if Christians lose sight of what it is all about.
  6. This is the third article in a special three-part Advent series on how Jesus is our prophet, priest, and king.
  7. This is the second article in a special three-part Advent series on how Jesus is our prophet, priest, and king.
  8. This is the first article in a special three-part Advent series on how Jesus is our prophet, priest, and king.
  9. However knowledgeable you may become by reading Buddha or compassionate after following Gandhi, you will never find forgiveness in anyone else other than Christ alone.
  10. David and Adam discuss the life and times of St. Athanasius (d. 373), especially his classic work On the Incarnation.
  11. In the Bible, we meet the God who also does not prance around naked as a jaybird.
  12. Based upon Paul's opening hymn in Collosians, Craig and Troy discuss how the Christian faith is a flesh-and-blood faith, and always will be.

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