Incarnation (189)
  1. Epiphany is one of the most important festivals of the church year, although often sadly overlooked.
  2. We now are the magi: we worship Christ because of who he is, but also because of what he has done for us and what he continues to do in his gift-giving to us.
  3. In Simeon's hands and Anna's gaze, we are reminded of God's promise—not distant, not fading, but alive.
  4. It is impossible to live our lives in a way that would convince God of our value because he already knows our value. He is the one who gave it to us.
  5. Belief at Christmas is neither neat nor safe. It is the path that leads to the manger and, from there, to the cross.
  6. Are you looking for rest? Is your heart cluttered? Are you searching for comfort? Just look at the King-sized bed.
  7. The Great King comes for us.
  8. Craig and Troy plumb the depths of the importance of Christmas by simply asking, "But what if it didn't happen that way?"
  9. The grain of God’s goodness and grace is made known by many trees throughout the Bible.
  10. Jesus rests in a manger in the days to come, but don’t be fooled.
  11. David and Adam discuss the problems and ramifications of the infinite Son of God becoming finite human flesh at Jesus' nativity.

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