1. Is Scripture clear? Dr. Paulson talks about the internal and external clarity of Scripture.
  2. Dr. Paulson spends time explaining how Luther and Erasmus approach Scripture.
  3. Dr. Paulson and Caleb are joined by Adam Guthmiller once again. This time they talk about faith and certainty in Luther's refutation of Erasmus.
  4. A Luther House of Study student Adam Guthmiller joins Caleb and Dr. Paulson to discuss Luther's assertions concerning the faith.
  5. Dr. Paulson looks at Romans 10 to explain submission and righteousness.
  6. Quiet meditation in a dark cave, that's what Erasmus thinks will lead to a right relationship of faith in God.
  7. As a continuation of the last episode, Dr. Paulson explains that the goal of Erasmus's skepticism is a calculated submission.
  8. Paulson confronts Erasmus's propositions about remaining in unknowing.
  9. Dr. Paulson closes out chapter five of Luther's Outlaw God.
  10. Dr. Paulson talks about the importance of distinguishing between Law and Gospel.
  11. Dr. Paulson refutes the charge that Luther is the origin of an ever secularizing culture.
  12. On this episode, Dr. Paulson addresses the critique that Luther unleashed a slide into meaninglessness on society.