1. You May Be Right… In this episode of Banned Books, we read Anselm of Canterbury’s Meditation on Sin and Penance. We discuss the consequences of sin, the Fountain of Mercy, Jesus’ excuses, the doctrine of simul iustus et peccator, theological presuppositions, and how we speak influences our behavior.
  2. When everything seems to conspire against us...
  3. King David had to flee for his life because his son Absolam was trying to kill him.
  4. To the Teaching and the Testimony!
  5. The Fear of God is a Sanctuary.
  6. The centrality of Christ, the lover of our souls, the light of the world, everything else is like a shadow.
  7. God with us. Born under the law.
  8. In this encouraging episode we hear of the heroics of our Savior, coming to save His bride the church.
  9. Isaiah preaching the Law to increase the trespass.