1. Glorious things await the bride of Christ. Chad meditates on the wondrous love Christ has for us, and our curious imaginations and interpretations of what Christ actually looks like.
  2. Chad graces us with another beautiful and instructive meditation on Song of Songs.
  3. When everything seems to conspire against us...
  4. King David had to flee for his life because his son Absolam was trying to kill him.
  5. The centrality of Christ, the lover of our souls, the light of the world, everything else is like a shadow.
  6. In this encouraging episode we hear of the heroics of our Savior, coming to save His bride the church.
  7. In this episode, Chad once again clears up some well meaning misunderstandings of this passage and encourages us with good news of God's love.
  8. Hidden Streams wanted to finish the year with a celebration of the good and holy gift of love.
  9. This meditation is great for Advent, a season of waiting in expectation for all that is damaged and ruined to be made whole.