1. Jesus proves His divinity by not only being master over creation, but in being master of life and death. Peter proves both his faith and faithlessness by putting his eyes on Jesus and then immediately taking them back off.
  2. Caleb and Scott read through the first several articles of the Smalcald Articles.
  3. Dr. Paulson continues working through Paul's use of Exodus in his letter to the Romans.
  4. One one level, Jesus does an impressive work of feeding 5,000+ with just a few rolls and some fish. But on a deeper level, we see Jesus preparing the eternal feast for you.
  5. We had 2 different listeners ask us: what does mortification of sin, also known as mortification of the flesh look like? In this episode, we talk about where this term came from, and what it means.
  6. It's easy to look at our faith through an emotional lens. Are you on an emotional high, or an emotional low? Are you on a mountaintop, or are things silent in the valley? What happens to your faith when you aren't "feeling it."
  7. Craig and Troy riff on rapid-fire parables, and Jesus trains us for the Kingdom. Go back and check out our series on parables at https://tinyurl.com/y7h8hjve
  8. In this episode, Caleb and Dr. Paulson discuss salvation ex nihilo or "from nothing."
  9. What happens when Jesus tells a parable about His Kingdom? Craig and Troy discuss Christ's Kingdom operates.
  10. Dr. Paulson continues to talk about trial by observing the different ways the story of Abraham has been taught.
  11. Sow, Jesus seeds a parable and a pun, and lettuce understand. But when the corn grows, what ears hear and what ears don't?
  12. What is repentance, and how do we get it, or do it? In this episode, Gretchen and Katie talk about some common questions about repentance. How do you know if someone has repented enough? How do you know if you have repented enough? Where do we get repentance? What it comes down to is: what comes first, repentance or grace?