1. Now... okay, so, angels as people, tell me about that. Walk me through it. Gillespie and Riley touch down on Origen's commentary on John's Gospel this week. They discuss martyrology, whether angels come disguised as people, and why it's important to let Scripture interpret Scripture.
  2. On this episode, Caleb Keith interviews Haroldo Camacho about his new translation of Luther's Commentary on The Epistle to the Galatians.
  3. On episode THIRTY-EIGHT of Let the Bird Fly! the guys hold Wade off for one more episode, so that Mike and Peter can continue the discussion on Luther’s Baptismal Rite that they began with Ben on Episode 37.
  4. On episode THIRTY-SEVEN of Let the Bird Fly! the guys shake Wade once again and are able to talk about what they want to for a change.
  5. "What Drove Luther's Hammer" is a look behind the curtain of Martin Luther's reasons for reform.
  6. Dr. Keith is once again joined by Dr. Jim Nestingen, this time to discuss the relationship between Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon.
  7. Dr. James Nestingen joins the show once again, this time for an episode on the later life of Dr. Martin Luther.
  8. Today, The Fellows talk about the various biographies Martin Luther.
  9. It is impossible to pass up Luther and his significance in Chruch History.
  10. On this episode, our resident historian Dr. Adam Francisco talks about Martin Luther and his view of apologetics.