1. How are we filled with the knowledge and spirtiual wisdom and understanding of God?
  2. The wicked and arrogant think they can prey upon the poor with impunity. Not so. Chad meditates on God hiding himself, it seems especially in times of trouble. Lament, interrogation of God and David’s frustration help us to see that though the work dis full injustice, God is closer than we think, and God invites us to cry and complain to Him. Izzi Ray sings “Why”
  3. Gretchen and Katie have a conversation with Rev. Bob Hiller about prosperity gospel, and how it sneaks into churches in a way that we start targeting the healthy people, the young families, and those who have something to offer the church.
  4. In this episode, we discuss preaching to those in prison, the consequences of sin, and the power of the gospel. We read excerpts from Karl Barth’s prison sermons and converse about preaching, pastoral care to the vulnerable, where Jesus locates himself for the preaching of the Gospel, and how we can all “set the captives free” through the power of the Gospel proclaimed for the forgiveness of sin. 
  5. We're back, baby! Craig and Troy reunite and use the occasion of Craig's new pastoral ministry to discuss what it means to be a pastor.
  6. The power of the words that procede from the mouth of God. Wow, Chad has lots of gems in this podcast. Rebekah Caggegi sings "I Love Your Words".
  7. David and Adam continue their series on the reasonableness of Christianity. In this episode, they cover recent New Testament scholarship on the Gospels as biography and eyewitness testimony.
  8. In today's episode of Tough Texts, we jump into Judges 11:29-40, a strange and concerning passage that raises thought-provoking questions about how we try to make deals with God.
  9. In the few weeks while Craig finishes up his move to Minnesota and while Troy digs himself out from under an avalanche of writing and research, For You Radio takes the opportunity to revisit some of our favorite episodes.