1. The year was 1997. Today we remember Betty Greene and the Mission Aviation Fellowship. The reading is from Malcolm Guite.
  2. "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive the sins of others"? How does that work? Craig and Troy dive headfirst into the Fifth Petition of the Lord's Prayer.
  3. The year was 475. Today we remember the Eastern Emperor Basiliscus and the splintering of the church. The reading is from Siegfried Sassoon.
  4. Women's Bible studies...men's Bible studies, mixed Bible studies.
  5. Idol Talk. In this episode, we return to Simone Weil’s book, Gravity and Grace. Idolatry is the topic of conversation. What is an idol? In what ways does idolatry infiltrate our churches, and what are the consequences? How do we guard against it?
  6. The year was 1725. Today we remember John Wise and his contributions to the church and state in colonial new England. The reading is from Edward Shilito.
  7. The year was 1942. Today we remember the founding of the National Association of Evangelicals. The reading is from Henry Vaughn.
  8. “Let no one fear death, for the Death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it. He destroyed Hell when He descended into it. He put it into an uproar even as it tasted of His flesh. Christ is Risen, and the tomb is emptied of its dead!” - Chrysostom
  9. The year was 1956. Today we remember Daniel Gee Ching Wu and his ministry to Chinese Americans in California. The reading is from C.S. Lewis.
  10. The year was 1811. Today we remember Robert Raikes and the birth of the Sunday school Movement. The reading is from Samuel Taylor Coleridge #OTD #1517 #christianhistory
  11. Today we celebrate Easter with John Updike’s “7 Stanzas At Easter,” and we conclude the show with a special announcement about the new season.
  12. The year was 1771. Today we remember Hans Nielsen Hauge. The reading is from a Norwegian Hymn.