1. Fear and great joy at Jesus' resurrection! But also rejection and refusal.
  2. When surrounded by evil, it’s easy to think our doom is sure. How we can defend ourselves, how can we judge the wicked, especially when they seem so much smarter,stronger and more confident than us?
  3. We are discussing "I can do all things through Christ" in context of the rest of the passage, and then we discuss the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac (rather... not sacrificing him) and whether or not Christians are called to sacrifice. Is that what this passage is talking about?
  4. Jesus came not only for the sheep, but apparently for the dogs as well. You won't believe what happens when she asks for a favor.
  5. Dr. Paulson continues working through Paul's use of Exodus in his letter to the Romans.
  6. It's easy to look at our faith through an emotional lens. Are you on an emotional high, or an emotional low? Are you on a mountaintop, or are things silent in the valley? What happens to your faith when you aren't "feeling it."
  7. Dr. Paulson continues to talk about trial by observing the different ways the story of Abraham has been taught.
  8. Sow, Jesus seeds a parable and a pun, and lettuce understand. But when the corn grows, what ears hear and what ears don't?