1. Beneath the calm, within the light, A hid unruly appetite Of swifter life, a surer hope, Strains every sense to larger scope, Impatient to anticipate The halting steps of aged Fate. Now listen to Ringside.
  2. Mike finds his way over to Wade's backyard, to discuss the beauty of the Church with Wade and two of Wade's daughters. Before getting to the main topic, the Johnston girls discuss their summer and what they're excited for with the upcoming school year (and Mike says something too).
  3. Scott, Caleb, and Adam are joined by David Andersen and Ed Killian to talk about David’s book, In Defense of Christian Ritual.
  4. Experience the reality of God while the world is ending. Ringside Preachers, Craft of Preaching, and Dr. Arthur Just from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne explore how the real tangible gifts of God break through the shadows of this crumbling world.
  5. In this episode, Katie and Gretchen get sidetracked and talk about food and the routines of farm life. That's mainly because eating is something we love to do every day. They address questions like: when are liturgies helpful, and when are they harmful?
  6. When man gives freedom it sometimes ends up being more confining. When man fights for equality it ends up being more oppressive. Repent and believe the Good News!
  7. What is heresy, anyway? Why does it matter? Craig and Troy walk through the basic understandings of heresy and heterodoxy and their dangers. True Biblical teaching always leads us to who Jesus really is, and who He is for you. Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org St. James Lutheran Church www.stjameslcms.church St. Peter's Lutheran Church www.Stpeterslc.org We're proud to be a podcast of 1517.org podcasts.
  8. Walking on water is what we need. Jesus does it. We got baptism. Float through it all as the Modest Mouse song says!
  9. And Your Bird Can Sing! Gillespie and Riley conclude their discussion of hymnody with Chad Bird’s hymn, The Infant Priest Was Holy Born. Again, they focus on pastoral care, comfort for Christians, and what happens when the church ignores the reality of sin, death, and Satan.
  10. Do You Have a Great Hymn This Week? Go Fish! This week, Gillespie and Riley discuss Thomas Chisholm’s poem turned hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness. More discussion of hymnody, church music, and how what we sing can help or hinder pastoral care.
  11. Jesus joins us in our weirdness. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley continue their discussion of how to judge a hymn with Joseph Scriverner’s classic hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."
  12. Pump the hate brakes, Riley! This week, Gillespie and Riley begin a four-episode discussion on how to judge a hymn. In the first installment, they look at Amazing Grace and ask: "Is this a great, good, or bad hymn?" What makes a Christian hymn great? What should a church do with bad hymns?