1. Today on the Almanac, we tell the story of St. Paul’s shipwreck on an island most have assumed to be Malta… but we have some questions.
  2. Today on the Almanac, we recognize St Maron’s Day in honor of the hermit priest who established that ancient church.
  3. The Fellows respond to comments made by Jordan Peterson on The Joe Rogan Podcast.
  4. Today on the Almanac, we head back to the 1600s to find a French Jesuit who wrote on everything from the history of the novel to apologetics to the classics: Pierre-Daniel Huet.
  5. In this episode, Gretchen and Katie discuss their recent interview with Aimee Byrd, and talk about how some of the issue is the "growth mindset" that can sometimes get us targeting certain demographics in order to get your church to grow.
  6. Today on the Almanac, we go to the mailbag to answer a question about the history of worship in the church.
  7. Today on the Almanac, we remember Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
  8. Today on the Almanac, we look at one of the most important inventions in history and the church’s history.
  9. Today on the Almanac, we look at Candlemas, one of the church’s “lost holidays.”
  10. Today on the Almanac, we reflect on Ernst Troeltsch and the place of criticism in history and the church.
  11. Today on the Almanac, we head to the mailbag to talk about the differences between the various churches of the Reformation.