1. Today on the Almanac, we remember the Grand Union of the Augustinian Order in 1256.
  2. Today on the Almanac, we remember the Fifth Lateran Council in 1512, the last Pre-Reformation church council.
  3. Today on the Almanac, we remember St. Athanasius on his feast day.
  4. Today, we begin a new season of the Almanac with a new format. We consider the history of May Day. The reading is from Martin Luther.
  5. You Know, The Next Thing. In this episode, we continue reading Robert Capon’s The Mystery of Christ, and Why We Don’t Get It. We further discuss pastoral care, exegesis, the purpose of theology, and where Christian preaching points us.
  6. What's your vote for the most misapplied and misquoted Bible verse of all time? Craig and Troy vote for "Don't you judge me!" Today we talk about the reality of being under judgment, and seeking repentance.
  7. The year was 1602. Today we remember William Lilly, Christian Astrologist? The last word for this second season is from the final stanza to Richard Wilbur’s “A Stable Lamp is Lighted.”
  8. The year was 1968. Today we remember Lin Zhao, a Chinese Christian Martyr.
  9. You Know, The Thing. In this episode, Robert Capon on The Mystery of Christ, and Why We Don’t Get It. We discuss exegesis, pastoral care, preaching, and the task of a theologian.
  10. The year was 160. Today we remember Tertullian, the renegade Church Father. The reading is from Tertullian.
  11. The year was 1396. Today we remember St. Stephan of Perm. The reading is from Dorothy Sayers.
  12. Turning Inward to Attack Evil. In this episode, we continue to discuss Simone Weil on Evil. The importance of Jesus’ sacrificial death as expiation and redemption and what happens when we try to make good apart from God.