1. The year was 1958. We remember the author Elsie Singmaster. The reading is from Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, “That Blessed Hope.”
  2. The year was 1349. We remember the English hermit, mystic, and author Richard Rolle. The reading is from 19th-century poet James Montgomery, “Come To Calvary’s Holy Mountain.”
  3. The year was 1529. We remember the death of Adolf Clarenbach and Peter Fliesteden. The reading is from Martin Luther's Large Catechism in response to the petition in the Lord's prayer for the forgiveness of sins.
  4. Sometimes You Just Have to Hit The Reset and Start Over... Sometimes You Don’t. What happens to the church and society when we are incapable of critical thinking? Can we learn from our failures, and the attacks of our enemies? What happens to society when Christ isn’t publicly preached against sin, death, and the devil.
  5. The year was 1805. We remember the English minister and advocate for orphans, George Müller. The reading is from D.S. Martin, “Sitting on A Stone."
  6. The year was 1897 and we remember the production of the Christian flag. The reading is a quote from the 2nd-century theologian, Origen.
  7. Steel Our Christian Hearts. We continue with C.S. Lewis’ speech on Learning in War-Time. How important is it for Christians and society to read good books, to learn from our opponents, and to stand up for the truth?
  8. The year was 2000. We remember Welsh priest and poet, R.S. Thomas. The reading is from Thomas, "The Coming."
  9. The year was 1734, and Pastor George Weiss led the first service of the Schwenkfelders in America. The reading is "The Magdalene's Mistake" by Angela Alaimo O'Donnell.
  10. In this episode, Blake sits down with filmmaker Josh Salzberg. They discuss his love of storytelling, the need for empathy, and the human experience.
  11. The year was 1950. We remember the oldest and longest-running radio drama made its debut, "Unshackled!" The reading is from Ernesto Cardenal, "Behind the Monastery."