1. Just Think of This As a Friendly Test That Could Get You Thrown into Hell, Or Not... Your Choice. Why do we demand that the choice be ours as regards our salvation or damnation? How does the doctrine of free will result in us hating God and each other? What about the influence of free will and predestination on popular culture?
  2. The Only Wrong Choice Is to Not Make a Choice... Where does the belief in free will originate? Is free will a biblical doctrine? How does Justin’s teaching on free will and salvation still influence the church and western culture today?
  3. Suffering is hard, but does it have meaning? Craig and Troy begin this new series with a basic conversation on the Biblical understanding of suffering.
  4. If you admit that you’re the weaker brother, does that make you the stronger brother because the stronger brother refused to admit he’s the weaker brother? . . . or something like that.
  5. Sane People Would Pay Top Dollar for This Kind of Podcast. Gillespie, Riley, and special guest Chad Bird read from his book, "Your God is Too Glorious." They then discuss baptism, suffering, and vocation.
  6. How can we know the mysterious workings of God? We look to Jesus: Jesus does His job of Jesus-ing only the way He can Jesus. Jesus never did His Messiah work the way that people thought that He should, and nothing has changed. We are blessed that He is not a God created of our own image and imagination. All of this is revealed to us through the God’s word alone, and in that word we have comfort of what Christ has done for us.
  7. How do you know you are truly repentant? Does your life have to be wrecked by some special sin before you know the Gospel?
  8. Craig and Troy wrestle with the same issue Paul is wrestling through: Wanting our friends and family to be saved and knowing that salvation must come through Christ. As the Prodigal Son believed in his father’s goodness and returned, so too will God restore and graft in all who believe—both Jew and Gentile alike—in His Son Jesus Christ.
  9. The doctrine of election is a doctrine of comfort for all who believe . . . that means it’s for you! Romans 9 is all about the nature of God, and His very nature is to be merciful to the Jew and the Gentile, for the unbeliever and the believer alike. We understand election rightly when our faith looks not at itself, but to Christ.
  10. We’d like to say that Craig and Troy wrestle with the teaching of election, but actually, it’s no struggle at all. The promises of God are freely given to all in Christ, and the elect are those who are in Him. He alone is our security.
  11. In this episode we discuss original sin and total depravity.
  12. Daniel and Erick start Paul’s letter to the Philippians in this episode. To live is Christ, to die is gain, and some suffering is a gift.