1. The year was 1343. Pope Clement VI proclaimed a coming jubilee and laid out the practice of indulgences. The reading is from G.K. Chesterton, “O God of Earth and Altar.”
  2. Keep it Spiritual, Keep it Safe. In this episode, the conclusion to our discussion of Gerald Kennedy’s sermon, Communism in the Churches. Should churches mind their own business in regards to social and cultural matters? What happens when churches and Christian organizations avoid controversy in order to maintain the status quo? Does the Gospel have any power outside our churches’ walls?
  3. The year was 1681. We remember Isabel Alison and Marion Harvey, martyrs for the radical Covenanters. The last word for today comes from St. Jerome, a word on the church and martyrdom.
  4. The year was 1863. We remember the Quaker, Rufus Matthew Jones. The last word for today, a word about peace, comes straight from the Prince of Peace's mouth in the Gospel of John.
  5. The year was 1076. Emperor Henry IV convened a synod at Worms to deal with the power-hungry pope. The reading is from John Newton, his poem, "A Thought on the Seas-Shore."
  6. The year was 1549. We remember Transylvanian Lutheran Johannes Honterus. The last word for today comes from a Hungarian poet, János Pilinsky, “On the Third Day.”
  7. Satan had so much success in deceiving the first Adam he figures he can do the same with the Second Adam. But Jesus won't play Satan's game according to Satan's rules.
  8. The year was 1561. We remember Francis Bacon. The last word for the day comes from another Christian philosopher, Blaise Pascal.
  9. The year was 1059. We remember Michael Kerullarios. The reading is a prayer by Søren Kierkegaard.
  10. The year was 288. We remember St. Sebastian. The reading is from Gerhard Forde, “On Being a Theologian of the Cross.”
  11. Caleb, Scott, and Rod walk through the Apostles Creed and Luther’s explanations.
  12. White Bread with Bologna and Propaganda Spread. In this episode, we continue reading a sermon preached by Bishop Gerald Kennedy, on Communism in Churches (c. 1960). The discussion focuses on whether propaganda is more important than the truth.