1. How do you know what you Know? Epistemology is the sense through which one filters and views all the knowledge he or she has acquired in this world. Understanding your own epistemology as well as the other common epistemological views is essential to doing good apologetics. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  2. This week’s show is a Wasteland Companion episode- that is, a show where we take a book and walk through its themes, history, big ideas, etc… You need not have ANY prior knowledge of the book to listen. If you do, hopefully this can jog some memories. We chose to talk about the brothers Karamazov because we both believe it to contain some of the more gut wrenching and savage attacks on human nature and God.
  3. This week’s show is a Wasteland Companion episode- that is, a show where we take a book and walk through its themes, history, big ideas, etc… You need not have ANY prior knowledge of the book to listen. If you do, hopefully this can jog some memories. We chose to talk about the brothers Karamazov because we both believe it to contain some of the more gut wrenching and savage attacks on human nature and God.