1. The year was 1649. We remember the pastor and hymn writer Martin Rinkart. The reading is two stanzas of Rinkart's hymn, "Now Thank We All Our God."
  2. The year was 1875. We remember the epic 35 stanza poem, "Wreck of the Deutschland." The reading is from Gerard Manley Hopkins, "Moonless darkness stands between."
  3. The year was 1925. We remember a Dr. Gene Scott All-Star, Russell Conwell. Our reading is an Advent prayer written by Walter Brueggeman.
  4. The year was 1484. We remember the Papal Bull "Summis Desiderantes Affectibus." The reading is from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a favorite quote from his "God Is In the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas."
  5. So what happens when you come to the lowest moment of your life and doubt that anything good can come out of it? God meets you there in His Redeemer. Craig and Troy finish up the book of Ruth.
  6. The year was 1964. We remember Dr. Paul Carlson, a medical missionary. The reading is from Madeleine L’Engle, “First Coming.”
  7. It’s Christmas in Germany for Hitler. In this episode, a historical examination of Christmas in Germany during the Nazi regime, including new hymns, advent calendars, the emergence of Wotan, and Hitler’s Silent Night.
  8. The year was 1852. We remember Isabel “Belle” Harris Bennett. The reading is the final stanza of T.S. Eliot’s “The Cultivation of Christmas Trees.”
  9. The year was 1980. We remember Sisters Ita Ford, Maura Clarke, Jean Donovan, and Dorothy Kazel. The reading is "The House of Christmas" by G. K. Chesterton.
  10. On Giving Tuesday 2020 the Thinking Fellows discuss stewardship.
  11. The year was 1521. We remember Giovanni di Lorenzo de Medici, aka Pope Leo. The reading is "Advent Calendar" by Rowan Williams.
  12. The year was 1892. We remember philologist and theologian Fenton John Anthony Hort. The reading is an excerpt from Psalm 119, verses 105-107, from the Scottish Metrical Psalter.