1. Chad and Daniel are joined by Erick Sorensen as well as the hosts of Theocast (Jon Moffitt, Jimmy Buehler & Justin Perdue) to discuss the implications of God becoming flesh.
  2. Erick and Daniel are joined by Chad Bird as well as the hosts of Theocast (Jon Moffitt, Jimmy Buehler & Justin Perdue) to discuss the implications of God becoming flesh.
  3. The year was 1504. We remember Berthold von Henneberg. The reading is from 16th-century poet Robert Southwell, "A Christmas Poem."
  4. The year was 1849. We remember pre-Millenial William Miller. The reading is from David A. Redding, "Adult Advent Announcement."
  5. The year was 1961. We remember the "Virgin Mother of a Thousand Egyptians," Lillian Trasher. The reading is from Christopher Harvey, a 17th-century poet, his "Nativity."
  6. "Joseph, being a just man, was unwilling to put her to shame." The young woman Mary turns up pregnant before the wedding, and what is a fiancé to do?
  7. The year was 1979. We remember the theologian Hans Küng. The reading is a word for Advent on the Incarnation from Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
  8. Can We Just Have A Civil Christmas? In the episode, what was Christmas like during the Civil War? Puritans, holiday traditions, and why the Church is an incarnate Church.
  9. The year was 1551. We remember Father György Martinuzzi. The reading is from Scott Cairns, "Christmas Green."
  10. The year was 1989. We remember Romanian pastor and dissident Laszlo Tokes. The reading is from Alan Jones, "May Christmas Come."
  11. The year was 1937. We remember Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky. The reading is from Jean-Paul Richter, "The Holiest Among the Mighty."
  12. The year was 1363. We remember Jean Gerson. The reading for today is a poem entitled "Advent" by Sr. Christine Schenk.