1. Talking to God like you know Him and He knows you.
  2. Job wishes for the gospel.
  3. Hope in God and argue with Him.
  4. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we head to the mailbag one more time for a question about post-Christmas festivities.
  5. Today on the Christian History Almanac, celebrate Christmas Day with the story of a popular Christmas hymn.
  6. The Thinking Fellows discuss the idea that Christmas has pagan roots.
  7. We hope and pray that you are celebrating a blessed Christmas, and wanted to bless you with a bit of family tradition: the reading of the Christmas story from Luke chapter two. Merry Christmas!
  8. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we have a question about Christmas decorations, Stars, and Angels.
  9. The God Who Stole Christmas. In this episode of Banned Books, we discuss Christmas Eve and Christmas Day readings, prayers, hymns, and traditions. We also have a lot of fun jesting and critiquing time-held hymns and traditions. We talk translations, history, worship, and why Christmas is the best time to embrace the enchanting absurdity of Jesus — the God-in-the-flesh, who’s come to be a Light in the darkness, a shield against sin, the world and the devil, and the Door opened and welcoming us into eternal life.
  10. What's the deal with Christmas? Is the incarnation of Christ that big a deal? The answer is an unqualified yes.