1. The year was 1415. We remember the death of Jan Hus. The reading is from Hus’ “Exhortation to Peace."
  2. We remember the year 1962 and the death of Helmut Richard Niebuhr. The reading is an excerpt from Richard Niebuhr's sermon, “Man’s Work and God’s.”
  3. We consider the year 1848 and Francois-Rene Chateaubriand. The reading is a selection from Ronnie McBrayer, "The Jesus Tribe: Following Christ in the Land of the Empire."
  4. We remember the year 529 and the Second Council of Orange. The reading is from the 7th century, “Caedmon’s Hymn."
  5. We remember the year 1505 and Luther's famous moment, “Help me St. Anne, I shall become a monk.” The reading is a quote from Luther's, "On the Freedom of the Christian."
  6. The year was 1942, and we remember the godfather of modern Gospel music, Andrae Crouch. The reading is an excerpt from C.S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters."
  7. We consider the year 1758, and we remember the birth of abolitionist James Stephen. The reading is from Jupiter Hammon, the first African slave to have poetry published in America, a selection from his “An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ, with Penitential Cries."
  8. Dr. Paulson talks about the significance o the Leipzig Debate and the arguments of John Eck.
  9. We consider the year 1810 and the founding of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. The reading is from Sir Aubrey De Vere, “Silence in the heavens."
  10. We remember the year 1491 and the birth of Henry VIII of England. The reading is a quote from Gerhard Forde's, "On Being A Theologian of the Cross."
  11. Wow, I gotta be honest... I did not see that coming! Anti-semitism, public doctrine, and when it’s necessary to tear down our idols.
  12. We remember the year 1906 and the birth of Christian and poet Vernon Watkins. The reading from Vernon Watkins, his poem "Infant Noah."