1. Continuing on our baptism discussion, and the power of God's Word, through physical means, Katie and Gretchen walk through their catechisms and think about the common struggles with the doctrine of baptism.
  2. A prophet rejected and a prophet beheaded.
  3. Scott and Caleb continue with articles 7-9 of the Augsburg Confession.
  4. Does Jesus not care if we are perishing?
  5. In this episode, Gretchen and Katie tackle a question from a listener about baptism. What do we believe? What does it mean? What does it do?
  6. The Sabbath and the unforgivable sin.
  7. Your sins are forgiven, now get up and walk. Which is easier to say?
  8. People follow Jesus but don’t follow His instructions.
  9. Caleb is joined by Bob Hiller and Rod Rosenbladt to close out Luther’s Large Catechism.
  10. The guys begin the Gospel According to Mark.
  11. Salt, grace, and the end of Colossians.