1. In 1521, the Pope issued an official decree known as bull against Luther. The Bull declared Luther’s writings as heresy and demanded he recant.
  2. The Thinking Fellows continue outlining the events of the Reformation by following Luther’s move from the monastery to the university.
  3. The Fellows begin a new series outlining the history of the Reformation. The first episode features a thorough description of the Middle Ages followed by the initial struggles of Luther.
  4. Dr. Dan Deen is on the show to discuss analytic philosophy with the Thinking Fellows.
  5. Don't Like That We're Righteous Apart From Works? We're Not Done Yet. Continuing their conversation from episode #31, Gillespie and Riley follow Gerhard Forde, and with him examine Luther's Heidelberg Disputation. This week, Aristotle, righteousness, and whose work is worth calling "good."
  6. The Thinking Fellows talk about the craft and philosophy behind translation.
  7. Live from Here We Still Stand 2018 the Thinking Fellows recorded a special episode with Jim Nestingen and Steve Paulson.
  8. On this episode, pastor and author Jared Wilson brings his exuberance for life and the gospel to bear on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Wilson helps us navigate between some of the craziness associated with the "work of the spirit" and the real Gospel hope we find in this doctrine.
  9. In this the second episode of The Soul of Christianity we discuss how The Creed is the summation of what we believe. It’s the answer to the fight over the divinity and humanity of Christ.. Words like suffered, died, bled, crucified were contested. We take those descriptions for granted now when they were not believed before.
  10. On the very first episode of The Soul of Christianity we have welcomed one of our favorite authors from mbird.com and the vicar of Grace Anglican Mission in Louisville, KY, Nick Lannon. The Rev. Lannon walks us through the very first clause of the Apostles Creed: "I Believe in God The Father..." and helps us think through issues of creation, our Creator and what it means in light of the Gospel.
  11. The Heidelberg Disputation represents the first time that Reformational theology emerges as a whole.
  12. On episode SEVENTY-THREE of Let the Bird Fly! Wade and Mike welcome back Dr. Jeremy Zima, who was a guest on Episode 36, The Guys Get Music.