1. In this episode we have on one of Gretchen's closest friends who happens to be a foster mother.
  2. Craig and Troy work out the very nature of the Christian faith . . . but maybe it's not what you thought it was.
  3. In view of recent news events, Kelsi has Adam Francisco on to the theological implications of the existence of aliens and UAPs.
  4. This month's Book Club, we are doing a short story by Flannery O'Connor, "A Good Man is Hard to Find."
  5. Pardoxeses? Pardoxi? Para . . . well, whatever the plural of "paradox" is, Craig and Troy cut to the quick and determine when a paradox of the Christian faith is good, when it must not be resolved, and when it should be just believed.
  6. We are interviewing Austin Hanson, who teaches science to middle schoolers at West Central Public Schools. Picking up on our vocation series, we are wanting to talk with people in various vocations,(as we find them) to talk about how their faith impacts their work.
  7. Author David Andersen joins Kelsi to discuss his book, "What Can We Really Know? The Strengths and Limits of Human Understanding" and how the study of knowledge leads us to some inevitable truths about ourselves and the limits of knowledge, in general.
  8. Nothing tastes as good as a juicy bit of gossip, amirite?
  9. Craig and Troy draw their discussion on the 10 Commandments to a close with that most inward of all the commandments: coveting.
  10. In this last episode with guest Rachel Joy Welcher, we discuss the concept of modesty, and how we talk to our children about their sexuality and their bodies if not through "purity culture" or the secular culture.
  11. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT, Mike, Wade, and Dan Berg, who may or many not be related to Michael, discuss beauty and five things it does.
  12. The Thinking Fellows weigh on one of the most tense issues that affect Churches.