1. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price dive into 1 Corinthians 7:12-16, a passage that speaks to the complexities of mixed-faith marriages.
  2. The first Christians believed Jesus was Lord and God. This episode explores how this could be given the monotheism of Judaism.
  3. Kelsi interviews author Harrison Scott Key about his latest book, "How to Stay Married: The Most Insane Love Story Ever Told."
  4. Pastor Sheek Teaches On 1 John 3:1-3 and Revelation 7:9-14
  5. The Parable of the Lawless, Polygamist Groom. In this episode, we discuss the parable of the ten virgins as preached by John Piper. We converse about law and promise, red herrings, who’s wise and foolish in the parable, the bondage of the will and the doctrine of election, and the consequences for hearers of such parabolic sermons.
  6. We have Old Testament scholar, Chad Bird, on to discuss with us the ways we twist the book of Proverbs into a prosperity gospel, especially in regard to our ideas of family.
  7. Biochemist Dr. Michael Behe joins David and Adam in this special episode of the Faith and Reason Exchange where they talk about Dr. Behe's life's work demonstrating the failure of Darwin's theory of evolution and promoting the theory of intelligent design.
  8. In this book club episode, we discuss "Art and Faith" by Makoto Fujimura. This was a book recommended to us, and we sort out the parts of this book that we appreciated, and the parts where we would disagree.
  9. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss the parable of the talents.
  10. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Daniel Emery Price and Scott Keith explore a critical conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3:1-8.
  11. In this episode, we discuss preaching to those in prison, the consequences of sin, and the power of the gospel. We read excerpts from Karl Barth’s prison sermons and converse about preaching, pastoral care to the vulnerable, where Jesus locates himself for the preaching of the Gospel, and how we can all “set the captives free” through the power of the Gospel proclaimed for the forgiveness of sin.