1. The Beatitudes aren't veiled Law, but pure gracious Gospel. Jesus tells us we are blessed when we are found in Him.
  2. A kept promise to deliver you from the principles of the world.
  3. Experience the reality of God while the world is ending. Ringside Preachers, Craft of Preaching, and Dr. Arthur Just from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne explore how the real tangible gifts of God break through the shadows of this crumbling world.
  4. From the city begun by Mad Anthony in 1794, some mad preachers carry on the revolutionary spirit with some spirited talk about submitting to murderous immoral pagan emperors.
  5. Faith alone in Christ alone or a curse.
  6. Men sent from James and ifying the grace of God.
  7. The 3rd heaven, a thorn in the flesh, and the sufficient grace of God.
  8. Paul taking thoughts and opinions into captivity.