1. "Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?" Poe is wrong. Though we have lulled ourselves asleep, the reality is far brighter and beautiful than we imagine. Christ is risen and so shall we. The dreamer who dreams is He.
  2. A kept promise to deliver you from the principles of the world.
  3. Scott and Caleb move into the Catechism's explanations of the Means of Grace. Starting with Baptism, Luther follows Scripture to explain how God's Word and promises are delivered to us through ordinary means like water.
  4. Experience the reality of God while the world is ending. Ringside Preachers, Craft of Preaching, and Dr. Arthur Just from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne explore how the real tangible gifts of God break through the shadows of this crumbling world.
  5. Faith alone in Christ alone or a curse.
  6. Men sent from James and ifying the grace of God.
  7. God doesn't demand that you wash yourself and come up to Him in holiness, but instead He comes all the way down to you in the filth of your sin.
  8. The 3rd heaven, a thorn in the flesh, and the sufficient grace of God.