1. Today we talk about John's imprisonment and his doubts about Christ as the messiah.
  2. Kelsi chats with acclaimed hip hop and rap artist, Flame, about why he has found a home in the doctrines and beliefs of Lutheranism.
  3. Today, we talk about the first encounter of Jesus with John the Baptist.
  4. In this fun episode, we talk about ways we celebrate Advent as a family.
  5. The first episode of Preaching the Text introduces the hosts, Dr. Steven Paulson and Pr. John Hoyum, as they start this new study of the Sunday lectionary texts.
  6. The struggle is real. That is to say, the struggle with sin. Can we make ourselves holy? Can we find within ourselves the strength to make it better?
  7. In this episode with Mike Cosper, we talk about grace and virtue. How do we "pursue virtue" and not let go of grace? We discuss the difference between self introspection by checking our own fruit, and confessing our sins.
  8. In this episode, Paulson helps listeners envision Luther's idea that the preacher is a "long-bowman" taking aim at the heart.