1. Satan had so much success in deceiving the first Adam he figures he can do the same with the Second Adam. But Jesus won't play Satan's game according to Satan's rules.
  2. Does God come that we might serve Him, or that He might serve man? Craig and Troy revisit the end of Matthew 3 to bring out the implications of what it means for Jesus to serve us by fulfilling all righteousness.
  3. Dr. Paulson and Caleb take a further look at Erasmus and his Annotations of Romans 1:17. How do faith, faithfulness, and trust help us answer the question, what makes the human creature human?
  4. How many presidents does it take to make us question our confidence in this country? No problem, Jesus will be back soon! Just listen to the preachers tell it like it is, and everything will be ok.
  5. Scott and Caleb are joined by John Hoyum to talk about how Luther and Melanchthon approached the doctrine of sin.
  6. God Bless the pandemic! Unfortunately, no one is going to learn from it. The preachers tackle issues others are afraid to even speak out loud! This time - Aliens! Do they exist and if so, would you baptize one?
  7. On this episode of the Soul of Christianity, Debi and Dan chat with Paul Ralph of “the ideas cafe” based in Holland Landing, Ontario, Canada. Paul has a way with words and has a story of faith and personal struggles that you don’t want to miss.
  8. For the Galatians, adding circumcision to their faith in Jesus was their confidence. But adding anything to Jesus gets you nothing.
  9. Things are falling apart. Nothing new, just a different way. Jesus falls smack dab in the middle of all this shit!