1. Don't glue boards together and don't drink the Kool-Aid. Craig and Troy describe why both of those make for bad Christological heresies. We trust in the true Christ who is fully God and fully man, given for us.
  2. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  3. God the Father, God the Space Ghost, and God the Holy Ghost? That doesn't seem right. How about, God the Father, God the Created Son, and . . . no, that's not right either. Craig and Troy look at some more Christoogical heresies that try to understand Jesus, but miss the mark.
  4. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  5. Knowing who Jesus is allows us to be reassured of our salvation. Jesus is both true God and true man, in a mysterious way that cannot be fully understood. "Bad words" about Jesus result in heresy and are destructive to your faith.
  6. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  7. God is three, yet God is one, which means He is beyond our ability to fully comprehend. So why do we believe in a Triune God? Craig and Troy chat over some Trinitarian heresies and give us the comfort of knowing the One True Triune God.
  8. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  9. Craig and Troy open up the heresy series by looking at Gnosticism, the belief that the physical world is evil, the spiritual world is good, and we are saved by having a secret special knowledge.
  10. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  11. What is heresy, anyway? Why does it matter? Craig and Troy walk through the basic understandings of heresy and heterodoxy and their dangers. True Biblical teaching always leads us to who Jesus really is, and who He is for you. Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org St. James Lutheran Church www.stjameslcms.church St. Peter's Lutheran Church www.Stpeterslc.org We're proud to be a podcast of 1517.org podcasts.