Epiphany (207)
  1. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss Luke's account of the Transfiguration.
  2. At the close of what we see as impossible commands, Jesus leaves His disciples with a picture of God’s impossible love made possible in Him.
  3. A dead son is found alive and through reconciliation God’s salvation changes everything for the brothers and for the entire world.
  4. Death is a planting, but every planting has a purpose: More life than you could ever imagine.
  5. 40 Minutes in the OT at CCOTA
  6. The words of Jesus are hard words for us to hear today, especially in America. They call us to question our lifestyle choices, to turn from our pursuit of happiness, and to experience the gift of grace.
  7. Both preachers and hearers are susceptible to a practical Sadducee-ism, which removes the proclamation and confidence of the bodily resurrection from the regular life of Christ’s Church.
  8. Those who trust in the Lord are not anxious when drought comes because they have the roots that run deep from the tree into which they have been transplanted.

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