1. Everything going in reverse leading up to Elijah.
  2. The heavens declare the glory of God, and we are wise to meditate on God's revelation through creation.
  3. A reduction in idolatry right before an increase.
  4. Psalm 37 shows us that God is making all things new, and covering His own with protection.
  5. The danger of acting like an idolator.
  6. Repentance can change history.
  7. Two prophets, a donkey and a lion.
  8. We asked Chad Bird about what it means to wrestle with God. Later this summer, he's coming out with his book on Jacob: "Limping with God." Our discussion went from Jacob being renamed to "Israel" which means "wrestles with God" and how wrestling with God was a keyhole to the crucifixion.
  9. We invited Old Testament and Hebrew scholar, Chad Bird, to talk to us about Proverbs 31. This passage talking about a wife of noble character is often discussed in women's Bible studies or events. It's used to inspire, accuse, exhaust, or at least show us some kind of standard that we feel we can never reach.
  10. The son of Solomon is not the Son of David.
  11. A lot of riches, a lot of wives, but no place to take your sin.