1. Chad and Daniel wrap up Numbers. Cities of refuge are established. There are rules and commands for “blood redeemers.” What does the Old Testament concept of being a brother tell us about Jesus?
  2. What does the common old testament phrase “before the Lord” really mean? God is everywhere, but is He everywhere in the same way?
  3. Moses is going to die soon, but first the Israelites must go to war with Midianites. Many people are killed, including woman and children, as well as Balaam.
  4. Paul moves to talking about Abraham and how he was justified.
  5. Chad and Daniel discuss the feast days and calendar of Israel. Why does God give people days to observe? What does it mean to participate in holy days then and now?
  6. Pastor Koch Teaches On 1 Corinthians 9:16-27
  7. Chad and Daniel discuss the purpose of genealogies and how the promised land relates to Eden, the great commission and the new heavens and new earth.
  8. Balaam gives his final oracle. He speaks of a star and scepter rising out of Israel in the future. How do Jesus and perhaps the wise men from the east fit into this?
  9. Our goal is to proclaim the genuine good news—that’s what “Gospel” means—of Christ’s forgiveness for you. We do not offer you better tips, techniques or checklists. Instead, You Are Forgiven is sermons by faithful pastors who will clearly show how you cannot be forgiven by your own efforts, no matter how well you do on your homework, your checklist of tasks. But they will also show how you are actually and already forgiven because Jesus has done all that is needed, for you!
  10. Balaam has Balak build seven altars to make sacrifices on before he goes to speak for God. Balak is not pleased with the word that Balaam gives him and decides to repeat the cycle two more times.
  11. We are introduced to a strange character named Balaam. Out of fear of their numbers, king Balak summons Balaam to curse Israel. Balaam asks God twice if he should go.
  12. Israel comes to Edom and requests to travel through their land. The king of Edom refuses and threatens them. Israel moves on and Aaron dies on a mountain where the office of the high priest is transferred to his son.