1. Is This The Real Life... In this double-length episode, Riley and Gillespie ask what are the consequences for not grounding our preaching, teaching, prayer, and worship in concrete reality as revealed by God’s Word of law and Gospel?
  2. Pastor Paul is perplexed over the presumptiveness of people of a pugnacious persuasion who consider themselves to be in a position to pass over the Gospel.
  3. Sorry, racism, ethnic clashes, cultural differences, are nothing new to the world or the church. Listen to these fools talk about Galatians, racism, and Christianity. Also, a little Smalcald Articles on the Gospel!
  4. So, look . . . if you want to rely upon works of the Law to lay claim to the title "child of God," you can't. To be under the Law is to be a slave, and slaves are not sons.
  5. Nuance, listening, patience, dialogue. These things seem missing as we analyze our problems in America! We get to speak with a former police officer and current pastor, Tim Barkett, to hear his take from the perspective of those who serve. Great interview.