1. Discipleship as a spiritual discipline can be a means of hearing the gospel repeated like a wave washing over you, bringing to mind the reality of God's faithfulness consistently.
  2. Dr. Paulson talks about how the distinction between Israel and Babylon is the Word of God delivered by a preacher.
  3. Meditation is part of what C.S. Lewis calls the "baptism of the imagination." In Christ, we belong to him, all the parts of us--even our brain.
  4. It’s The Most Important Election of Our Lives, Until The Next Election. In this special election episode, Gillespie and Riley read David Whitford’s book, "Tyranny and Resistance," and discuss church, state, and the two kingdoms doctrine.
  5. Sometimes the guilt in us manifests itself in different ways. Whether it's a weight or sadness, anger or venting, blame or defensiveness, we see it in ourselves and we see it in our relationships.
  6. This prayer expresses the feeling of separation and the resulting distress from feeling like we are abandoned.
  7. This is a prayer which orients us in the morning to offer our lives to God with trust and thanksgiving.